Although in my previous post I mentioned that I wouldn’t be sticking directly to my script, the following is my updated script:
I saw 8 red cars on the way here; that means it’s going to be a good day. Red is my favourite colour and if I see an even amount of red cars, it’s a good day, but if I see an odd amount of red cars, then it’s going to be a bad day. Always a bad day.
I like jazz music. Which is odd because I like things to be even and sound right and have an order. Just like a basic rock song: introduction, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, solo, chorus and then outro. They’re also generally in a 4/4 time signature, which is basically 1 semi breve or 2 minims or 4 crotchets to a bar, or 8 quavers, 16 semiquavers, 32 demisemiquavers, 64 hemidemisemiquavers, 128 semihemidemisemiquavers or 256 demisemihemidemisemiquavers. Whereas jazz is more all over the place. My mind isn’t all over the place, it’s all in order and I know where to find anything and everything in my mind. It’s as though there’s filing cabinets each with their own category and if I need it, I know where it is and I can find it and say it.
My brothers’ favourite colour is also red, but he just likes it because it’s aesthetically pleasing, it looks good. His favourite football teams he’s liked before have had a red kit: Man Utd, now he likes Arsenal. I could name loads of football teams that have red in their kit (name a few – include Lincoln City). I like red because it means different things, like it stands for danger in the wild, and I’m quite dangerous. No I’m not, I like to be safe, which is why I never stand on any cracks in the path. You know that saying ‘stand on a crack break your mothers back’, well I don’t want to that chance, I love my mum and I wouldn’t want to be the reason she broke her back.